Regional Public library „Petko R. Slaveykov”
The library holds a collection of 600,000 paper and digital works and serves 10 000 visitors annually
On 9 December Victoria Beshliyska presented her latest novel "Nishka" at the Regional Library "Petko R. Slaveykov" in Veliko Tarnovo. The writer is in Veliko Tarnovo for the third time at the invitation of the library to meet her fans.
On November 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in the Bulgarian national calendar it is designated as the Day of the Christian Family.
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One thing has the power to save worlds, and it's the only thing stronger than Orisii.
A new novel from the author of Clay and Heart! Seven Women. Three different centuries. One thread that connects everything and everyone. In Victoria Beschliyska's third book, 130 years are locked into a single day, unlocking themes of the origins of female power and the indivisibility of time.
As a long-time diplomat and wife of a Japanese, Juliana Antonova-Murata has had the opportunity to live in various places around the world - Germany, Russia, England, China, which she explores with curiosity and describes with love.
It's not just humans who have favourite animals.
Animals also have favourite people.
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This is a book about war, love and teachers. The war inside and outside the man.
The Summer Campaign "Come to the Library" is an initiative, conceptually designed to provoke the students from I to XII grade from Veliko Tarnovo, who are readers of RL "Petko R. Slaveykov" to read more and more books during the summer holidays.
With the longest and most successful implementation is the annual competition "My hometown". Its first edition was in 2000 and has since become a favorite and recognizable for the participants from the city and the region.
The National Crime Writing Contest, under the general title of "/The/ Unsolved Case," will launch in 2021. The contest is held over a one- or two-month period, traditionally during the fall season of a given calendar year.
Regional Library "Petko R. Slaveykov" - Veliko Tarnovo over the last ten years has established an extremely prestigious cultural event, which is the "Foyer of the book with an autograph". The philosophy of this forum is related to the promotion of Bulgarian printed book production not only in the region, but also nationally.
Доц. Калина Иванова е новият директор на Националната библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“. По време на Дирекционния съвет проф. д-р Красимира Александрова й предаде поста.
Уважаеми читатели,
във връзка с предстоящите коледно-новогодишни празници Ви уведомяваме, че в дните 23, 27 и 30 декември Централна сграда и всички фиалиали на библиотеката ще работят с работно време от 9.00 до 17.30 ч.
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