Payment methods
In cash
In cash at any reader service desk in the library
By card
By credit/debit card via POS-terminal in the main library building
Bank Transfer
By bank transfer:
IBAN: BG12SOMB91303158858200
Municipality Bank Ltd.
67 Stefan Stambolov str.
Veliko Tarnovo
Price of the administrative service "Issue of registration card", valid from the date of issue until the same date of the following year
Students up to IV grade | 2,00 BGN |
Students from V to XII grade | 4,00 BGN |
Senior citizens and disadvantaged persons | 4,00 BGN |
All other readers | 6,00 lv. |
Monthly reading card | 2,00 lv. |
Duplicate of a lost library card | 1,00 BGN |
When registering a group of 5 people, each person pays 50% of the regular price of the annual personal library card. Any family is also considered a group. When registering the whole family, each member of the family pays 50% of the regular price of the card depending on the category they fall into.
The Library reserves the right, at its own expense, to register "Personal Reader Cards" at discounted rates, as well as free ones in its capacity as a social, educational, informational and cultural organization.
Postage and collection allowances for library materials
from overdue patrons under Articles 49-53 of the Rules of the RL "P. Р. Slaveykov"
Failure to return a library document within the specified time limit | 0,01 BGN for each overdue day |
Warning letter in the form | Postage fee |
Second letter with return receipt | Postage |
Prices of services covered by Article 52 of the ZOB
№ | Name of the service | Measure | Price in BGN |
1. 1 | Written bibliographic services Art. 52, par. 1, items 1-2 of the BSA |
1.1.1. | Written thematic bibliographical reference | up to 20 titles | 5.00 |
1.1.2. | Written thematic bibliographical reference | 21-50 titles | 10.00 |
1.1.3. | Written thematic bibliographical reference | over 50 titles | 20.00 |
1.1.4. | Written factual reference on a specific topic | for 1 pc. | 15.00 |
Note: The above prices are for a standard service with a lead time of 10 working days. For express service (3 working days) add 50% to the cost of the standard reference. | |||
1.1.5. | Reusing an already written thematic bibliographic reference | for 1 item. | 50% of the original price |
1.1.6. | Preparation of a bibliography | for 1 included title (source) |
0.20 |
1.2. | Delivery of library documents from the country and abroad - Art. 52, par. 1(3) of the Law on Library and Information Services |
1.2.1. | For readers: For books obtained under the MHS (Interlibrary Loan Service) and their return by post |
for 1 request | 2.00 + the rate of the library concerned +postage |
1.2.2. | For libraries: For books sent by MHS |
for 1 request | 2.00 +postage |
1.3. | Copying of library documents - Art. 52, par. 1, item 5 of the Law on Library |
1.3.1. | Photocopies of originals on paper media | ||
Up to A4 format, single-sided | page | 0.10 | |
Up to A4, double-sided | sheet | 0.15 | |
Up to A3 format, single-sided | page | 0.20 | |
Up to A3 format, double-sided | sheet | 0.30 | |
Documents issued from 1878 to 1944, single-sided | page | 0.50 | |
Documents issued from 1878 to 1944, bilateral | sheet | 1.00 | |
Documents issued before 1878, one-sided | page | 1.00 | |
Documents issued before 1878, bilateral | sheet | 2.00 | |
Note: Documents should be copied on 80 g/m2 white offset paper provided by the library. Prices are for black copy. For copying in colour the prices in 1.3.5 apply. | |||
1.3.2. | Digitisation of library documents - originals on paper media (includes additional operations such as processing the scanned document with specialised software and entering metadata for text recognition ) | ||
Up to A4 format | image / page | 0.20 | |
Above A4 format (Central Building only) |
image / page | 0.50 | |
Documents issued from 1878 to 1944. | image / page | 1.00 | |
Documents issued before 1878 | image / page | 2.00 | |
Provision of a copy of already digitised printed documents | image / page | 0.05 | |
1.3.3. | Digitisation of non-book library documents (includes additional activities related to data processing and recognition of the scanned non-book document ) | ||
Video cassettes VHS format | per hour started | 5.00 | |
Audio cassettes, magnetic tapes | for 1 pc. | 3.00 | |
Gramophone records | for 1 pc. | 5.00 | |
Audio cassettes, gramophone records, magnetic tapes | for 1 audio fragment (track) | 1.00 | |
Film (photo) strips (negative), transparencies | for 1 whole tape up to 36 frames | 3.00 | |
Slides, single frames of film strips | for 1 pcs. | 0.50 | |
1.3.4. | Recording information on electronic media | ||
CD/DVD (consumable provided by the library) |
1 pc. | 2.00 | |
USB flash drive (not provided by the library) |
1 pc. | 1.00 | |
1.3.5. | Printer printout | ||
Black | |||
Up to A4 format, single-sided | Page | 0.20 | |
Up to A4, double-sided | sheet | 0.40 | |
Up to A3 format, single-sided | page | 0.40 | |
Up to A3 format, double-sided | sheet | 0.80 | |
Colour - up to 50% fill | |||
Up to A4 format, single-sided | Page | 1.00 | |
Up to A4, double-sided | sheet | 2.00 | |
Up to A3 format, single-sided | Page | 2.00 | |
Up to A3 format, double-sided | sheet | 4.00 | |
Colour - over 50% fill | |||
Up to A4 format, single sided | Page | 2.00 | |
Up to A4, double-sided | sheet | 4.00 | |
Up to A3 format, single-sided | Page | 4.00 | |
Up to A3 format, double-sided | sheet | 8.00 | |
Note: Documents should be printed on a laser printer on 80 g/m2 white offset paper provided by the library. | |||
1.4. | Preparation and publication of publications - Art. 52, par. 52, paragraph 1, item 6, of the BSA |
1.4.1. | Computer typesetting of smooth text in Bulgarian | page | 1.50 |
1.4.2. | Computer typesetting of text in Bulgarian with tables, formulas, diagrams | page | 2.50 |
1.4.3. | Computer typing of text in a foreign language | page | 2.50 |
1.4.4. | Pagination of plain text in Bulgarian | page | 1.00 |
1.4.5. | Pagination of text in Bulgarian with tables, formulas, diagrams | page | 2.00 |
1.4.6. | Pagination of text in a foreign language | page | 2.00 |
1.4.7. | Image positioning/sizing (does not include scanning and processing) | for 1 pcs. | 0.20 |
1.4.8. | Bibliographic editing of list (bibliography, references used, notes) | for 1 description | 0.30 |
1.4.9. | Preparation of a mock-up cover | for 1 pc. | 20.00 |
Note: From 1.4.1. to 1.4.6. the term page means a block of 1800 characters, including spaces. The price for pagination includes one black and white print and one proofreading. |
Prices for other services not covered by Article 51, par. 51(1) and 52(1). 1 of the BSA
№ | Name of the service | Measure | Price in BGN |
2.1 | Preparation of presentation materials with the applicant's project (price does not include scanning and printing) |
2.1.1. | Preparation of printed materials | ||
Invitation | computer layout | 3.00 | |
Poster up to A3 format | computer layout | 5.00 | |
Leaflet / flyer up to A4 format | computer layout | 10.00 | |
Brochure (up to 16 pages) | computer layout | 20.00 | |
Exhibition boards up to 70x50 cm | computer layout | 10.00 | |
Exhibition boards up to 90x105 cm | computer layout | 15.00 | |
2.1.2. | Preparation of electronic materials | ||
Presentation | for 1 slide | 2.00 | |
Film (any type of production created in the form of a video with the technical and physical involvement of a library staff member) | for 1 item for each recorded hour | 50.00 | |
2.2. | Plastic comb binding (price includes cover) |
Up to 100 sheets | for 1 pcs. | 2.00 | |
Up to 300 sheets | for 1 pcs. | 3.00 | |
Up to 500 sheets | for 1 pcs. | 4.00 | |
2.3. | Lamination (double-sided, 80 μm thermal film) | ||
Up to A4 format | for 1 pc. | 0.60 | |
A3 format | for 1 pc. | 1.00 | |
2.4. | Use of sound equipment and multimedia presentations (library staff operates the equipment) | block of 4 hours | 100.00 |
1 In accordance with Order N 5/01.03.2021, effective 01.03.2021.
2 Pursuant to Order No 4/01.03.2021, in force from 01.03.2021.